Friday, January 3, 2025

False light, Deception and the Ten Kingdoms

Greetings, Precious and Holy Remnant of the Most High!

I pray you all had a lovely Christmas and New Years! I recently discovered that even New Years stems from a pagan holiday. Good grief! How we have been lied to, even about all our holidays. Babylon the Great. If you are on my Telegram Channel, you are well aware of all the news happening in the past few weeks, so I won't repeat it here. Suffice it to say that time is speeding up and along with that, evil is being unleashed at an exponential level.  Terror attacks, Plane crashes. the Pope opening demonic portals, continued fighting in Ukraine and the Middle East, Bird flu among other diseases ramping up all over the world, mysterious chemical-laden fog, continued drones and orbs (nothing to see here, folks), freezing temps, AI robots, impending market crash, floods, volcanoes, quakes. etc. Am I forgetting anything? Ah, well, there were at least 3 terror attacks on New Years Day just to start things off. Did you hear about the lightning strikes on News Years Eve at the White House and the Washington Monument? Perhaps God is trying to tell us something. There are also major threats and rumors that they will start WW3 before Trump takes office. 

But it's going to be a Great Year in 2025 now that Trump is in office!  Heard those exact words from a family member recently as he criticized me for being negative.  

i agree with him about this coming year. It will be a great year for those of us who love Jesus and will be rescued and taken to Heaven!  Can't wait.  Yes, yes, I said I thought the rapture would happen in 2024. I truly believed that based on all the signs and on Scripture. I never said the Lord told me, and I always steer clear of that unless I truly believed the Lord told me something and I pray about it for days. However, as I've posted here prior, 2025 is a year spoken about in the Satanic literature as being the year of the Golden Age when their prince rises to power. in addition, whistleblowers have come forward saying 2025 is when the aliens will be disclosed to the world. So.... I really can't see us being here much longer, since by all indications, 2025 is the start of the Tribulation.

Speaking of Trump,

The admiration and outright worship of Trump has reached blasphemous levels… Trump is not on your side. He is not one of the "good guys.” He is one of Satan's many false light puppets on the world stage working tirelessly to lead as many as possible into perdition. Their plan was to make Trump out to be a victim of the ‘satanic deep state cabal’. Everything they did, the stolen selection in 2020, the Media slander, the legal issues, and the assassination attempts were all a part of their script to lead conservatives into believing he’s a “hero”.  Why? Because we long for a hero to save us from this mess! But that hero is Jesus!  Unfortunately many Christians love this world more than they love Jesus.

This is the Hegelian Dialectic
The villains (darkness: the “Deep State”) and the “heroes” (False Light: Trump, Elon, etc.) are two sides of the same coin. The goal? Get people to pick a side and think they’re “winning” against evil while they’re actually being led into a trap that was always intended— A world wide New Age Luciferian NWO paired with digital enslavement.  
Political Theatre is intensifying.  The Bad Satanic New World Order is just a psyop. It's just as fake as Trump's Make America Great Again campaign. So, Trump will get in and seem to be destroying the NWO and bringing in a Golden Age of Light. But it will be a FALSE LIGHT. This is why we are seeing so many bad people in government exposed and brought to justice. And we will see more. Evil being revealed is just a part of their end game. They have to destroy the current corrupt system in order to bring in the Luciferian government. 
 It's all a SHOW. 
When Trump returns to office (If he does), he will only lead more into the “Great Awakening” delusion and into demanding a regime change of the overtly corrupt political system.

Elon is also playing his part as Trump's right hand man’ while exposing obvious govt. tyranny on his twitter account
We have not reached the ‘destruction’ phase of the Fake NWO yet, but it seems we are certainly moving closer towards “order out of chaos”
They want us to believe that people like Trump & Elon are “for the people” and are working behind the scenes to take down the cabal. In reality, the plan to “take down” the cabal is a plan formulated by the cabal. It’s Hegelian Dialect to lure humanity into the false light of the AC

Elon Musk has changed his Twitter username to “Kekius Maximus”

This man is EVIL!  Yet so many Christians adore him.

Watch this short video on my blog how Elon and Trump worship Saturn.

Remember Scripture tells us that the Beast will preform great miracles during his reign. But they will be counterfeit signs, miracles, and healings. These will be accompanied by “new medical technology” (Neuralink, Med-Beds, CRISPR Cas9, etc.) ‘Perfect health’ is a part of the ‘be like God’ temptation. The promise of living longer in the flesh (“Ye shall not die”) will deceive many. Even the promise of eternal life!  Remember Satan mimics God. He wants to be able to offer his followers eternal life. However, the fact is, every human is already immortal. Our souls and spirits live eternally. Satan just wants us to live eternally with him and not God!

All those desiring to participate in the NEW era of medicine would have to be biometrically linked the NEW system. The Satanic rulers of this world have poisoned us for years with their pharmaceuticals, preservatives, pesticides, chemicals in our food, water, geo-engineering, chemtrails. Why? So we would learn to run to our doctors to get more poisons and so we would trust the medical system they put in place. This is all part of their end game. Beware of “new” healing techniques. Reject them entirely. Only God Himself can heal. Bear your thorns. “…the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us” (Rom. 8:18)

The Ten Kingdoms

The Club of Rome in 1973 proposed the idea of a new global order, dividing the world into 10 economic trading blocks. The European Commission also once included a world map on their web site that showed 10 groups of nations designed to consolidate regional control
Today, with Trump soon to take office and his talk of integrating Mexico, Canada, and Greenland into the US Union, it seems we are moving towards a final world order that will consist of “10 regions/kingdoms” making up all the countries of the world

Interestingly, the antediluvian “Kingdom of Atlantis” (“the Golden Age:” which the ruling elite are currently trying to rebuild) was said to be broken into 10 Kingdoms governed by 10 Kings
It seems they (the wicked) want to bring back the “old ones,” the men of renown (Gen. 6:4.) Perhaps the coming “Kings” will not be fully man? Just an additional thought

Scripture prophesied of these times
The hour is late
I truly believe 2025 will be that point

If the DEAGEL population. forecast numbers are actually legit and not a PSYOP then we (US/EU) are in for a real test of faith
Not to mention the drones, orbs, and talks of ‘aliens,’ which lines up eerily well with the words of Alice Bailey about the ‘externalization of the hierarchy’
Elon and Trump are the chosen ‘Trojan Horses’ leading the charge into the “New Golden Age”, using their charisma to win trust while deceiving the public into the age of false light
It’s all lining up, among other things
I’m sure many of you feel a sense of urgency in your spirit
Time is indeed very limited
Brethren, cling to the Lord. Forsake this world. Seek discernment and wisdom from above. Spread the Good News while we have the freedom to do so
If we do not cling to the solid Rock of Christ, we will be utterly swept away in the madness that is to come

Why 2025?

Hang in there, Saints. Be strong. Armor up with God's Word and His Holy Spirit. The days are very Evil, but God protects His own. But you have to stay beneath His Wings!


  1. Greetings Precious Daughter of the Holy Father in Heaven,
    Mmm, lot of eye opening stuff here MaryLu ! I just see all this info you add here as more and more pieces of the same puzzle. It's all begining to add up.

    I was reading 2 Cor 11 this morning. It talks about Satan being one of Gods most glorious and beautiful creations. Not the picture we've been taught of one with red skin, horns, pitch fork etc. It
    compars that to false teachers and prophets. Men with eloquent speech, porcelain white smile, and that perfectly black and neatly combed hair ! I heard someone say, that satans angels dont come looking like demons, but they look like Oprah, speak like Olsteen, and proclaim like Copeland !
    Everytime I see Trump and Musk together I think of the script that talks about the one beast giving power to the second beast. Trump has siexed the power of the people, and it seems he is presenting that power to Musk, who is not even an elected official !!!

    Towards the end of 2024 I started praying to the Lord to expose the false preachers. Since I have showed videos of some of these men calling themselve " I AM" and "we are gods" "we are exactly like Jesus" etc, but they still deny that their favorite preachers say this stuff. I just showed you people a video, how can you deny it !!! So I gave up trying to convince them of something they dont want to see. I think they cannot admit it because it would mean they have been decieved all these years, and it would end their lives as they know it. Clinging to the world rather than God Himself ! And I started to pray that God would reveal it to them. And many ofthese preachers were exposed recently in 2024 !. But they still dont believe it or excuse it for one reason or another ! They forgive them, and send them an extra tithe because they feel sorry for them.
    Goes back to 1 Cor 5:9 right ! Much like you talked about in Wednesdays post Sister.
    There is a script where God say's They would not receive the truth so I gave them over to the delusions of their minds that they might believe the lie ! (paraphrased).
    The old saying comes to mind " you can lead a horse to water but you cant make them drink it !

    May the Lord keep you close to His heart, and fill you with His special love and peace as we wait.

    1. So hard to convince people who've been brainwashed! Some of these people you describe are such fans of their pastor or teacher and so much a part of the fellowship they get, that to step away would destroy their happiness. So, they deny deny deny. But like you said, they have these idols above the Lord... and what a waste that is! At some point you just quit trying to convince and just pray like you're doing. I have tried to tell my Trump-loving family that he isn't who he says he is.. that he could even be the Antichrist, but they laugh and dismiss me. The deception of the enemy is very thick. Only the Holy Spirit can break through it. Blessings, Brother!

  2. It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.
    For a fool cant think for himself, but other fools think for him.
