Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Is Your House Built on the Rock?

 So everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts upon them [obeying them] will be like a sensible, prudent, practical, wise man who built his house upon the rock.
 And the rain fell and the floods came and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.
 And everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not do them will be like a stupid man who built his house upon the sand.
And the rain fell and the floods came and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell—and great and complete was the fall of it.
Matthew 7:24-27

Who is the Rock? Jesus is the Rock! He is the Word of God made flesh. How do you build your house on the Rock? By hearing His Words and obeying Him! But wait, my pastor said all I have to do is believe in Jesus and trust Him for my salvation. After that, anything else is works and we aren't saved by works! Yet, here you see straight from our Lord's mouth, that He requires obedience and living a Holy life as best as we are able. 

I find it very interesting that if we read these verses in context, check out the PRIOR TWO verses before these.

 Many will say to Me on that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name and driven out demons in Your name and done many mighty works in Your name? And then I will say to them openly, I never knew you; depart from Me, you who act wickedly [disregarding My commands].

The words in brackets are from the Amplified version which expounds on the Greek meaning of words or phrases. I do not add them. 

Please take this to heart. A storm is coming. You must build your house on the Rock!! 


  1. I thought it was a bit chilling to watch the “ worship” service that was part of the inauguration ( I only saw a short clip on the news) when the speaker( a female? Pastor) was blasting Trump about immigration. It was an odd place to do something like that-in my opinion, and you could tell he was angry.
    On another note, the Christians that are being deceived by this new administration is also chilling. He is a good example of your post, not building on the Rock.

    1. The entire inauguration was creepy in my opinion! Something very evil is going on in D.C.! And yes, so sad so many are deceived. Breaks my heart and Jesus's too.

  2. I guess one of the few things that caught my eye was that when Melania went forward with the bibles in hand, Trump had started saying the oath and never put his hand upon the bible... not sure whose Bibles they were but it seemed to me that they held great significance to them... perhaps just an oversight, forgetful moment, but one that I noticed. I actually enjoyed the Christian songs sung and played... I will say that Biden and Kamala looked really sad and yet everyone put their hand over their heart while America the beautiful was played and sung... even Biden and kamala... I guess I was taking note of small things done or not done... I am thankful for not having 4 years of Kamala or Biden for that matter, they have driven this country into grievous sin and into debt big time... I try to see the positive in everything... I also try to remember that God's will is being done no matter how much we may not like someone who is elected... I will still stand on the fact that so long as he does what is right according to the Word and what is right for the people he will have God's Blessing and when he stops doing so , he will lose Gods favor... If there is one thing that my pastor taught us it is to pray for those that are in leadership, doesn't matter who they are God can still use the most evil vile man to accomplish his will here on earth...

    1. I so appreciate your attitude and it's a great quality to always look for the positive. And you are absolutely right that God is on the throne and He puts who He chooses in power. Thank God for that. There is such peace there. But I've been at this a long time and I've studied Freemasonry and the Satanic Illuminati agenda. I know what to look for, the signs they give, the words they say. I can assure you that this was all a show. Of course everyone put their hands on their hearts and acted sad. Actors, all of them. I know this is all hard to believe, and I have lost family and friends over this, but I am compelled to warn warn warn. This is all deception. You can hate me, unfriend me... whatever, but please remember this as time goes on. The main thing is to stay close to Jesus and in His Word. We can disagree on these things, but we all love Jesus with all our hearts and want to please Him. Be blessed!

  3. Greetings Precious Sister in Christ,
    Yes its all deception I agree. If anyone remembers, at the RNC, Vances wife's guru, a Hindu lay, stood, covered her head with a veil, and prayed to a Hindu god, with the approval of Trump Vance and all the "good Christian" folk in attendance. That was probably reality for them.
    Hey, waht happened to Vance, havent seen much of him lately ?

    Be strong and TAKE courage, lay hold of it, in the Lor who delivers us.

    1. Vance has definitely taken a back seat to Musk. I'm betting he's not happy with that! Blessings, Brother! See you soon
