Monday, March 24, 2025

Instructions for the Times In Which we Live!

 Last week I was led to read Psalm 37 and it really leapt off the page at me. It seemed as though the Holy Spirit wrote this for all of us during these last minutes before the Tribulation. Let's face it, things are getting tough out there AND things are getting tough in each of our own lives. So, I pray what I believe to be the Holy Spirit's commentary on this passage will bless you!

Do not fret because of evildoers, nor be envious of the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb. 1-2

Maybe it's just me but sometimes I look at people who not only don't know the Lord but who are evil and doing evil things and it appears by all accounts, they are having the time of their lives! They have mansions, yachts, jewels, the best health care, vacations all over the world, the most gorgeous clothing, servants, and the best food. And I sometimes wonder at it all when I know so many Godly people struggling. I even know fellow believers who are very lukewarm in their faith and who aren't walking in submission to the Lord but who are living fabulous lives!  But the Lord is clear in these verses: Don't be envious, they will soon be cut down.

Further down in verses 9-10, the Lord further explains

For evildoers shall be cut off;  But those who wait on the Lord, They shall inherit the earth. For yet a little while and the wicked shall be no more;
Indeed, you will look carefully for his place, but it shall be no more.

And even more in verses 12-15

The wicked plots against the just, and gnashes at him with his teeth.
The Lord laughs at him, for He sees that his day is coming.
The wicked have drawn the sword and have bent their bow,
To cast down the poor and needy, to slay those who are of upright conduct.
Their sword shall enter their own heart, and their bows shall be broken.!

As we see the Satanic globalists taking over the world and governments bit by bit, starting wars, creating famines, unleashing deadly plagues, and as the verses above say, "plotting against the just, casting down the poor and needy and slaying those of upright conduct" it can be discouraging!  But I love it that the Lord LAUGHS!  He laughs at all their evil plans. Why? Because He is on the throne and with one thought, he could incinerate them. He laughs at their arrogance and audacity to think they could defeat Him and His children. And He knows their time is short.

This is the fate of the wicked. 

But the wicked shall perish;
And the enemies of the Lord,
Like the splendor of the meadows, shall vanish.
Into smoke they shall vanish away.

The rest of the psalm gives us believers clear instructions about what to do in light of all the evil around us AND what promises are in store for us if stay the course, love the Lord, and follow Him to the end.

  • Rest in the Lord and WAIT PATIENTLY for Him  
  • Cease from Anger
  • Do not Fret (Worry)
  • Show mercy
  • Give to others
  • Depart from Evil
  • Do good
  • Wait on the Lord
  • Keep His Way (His commands, instructions)
  • Trust in Him
  • Do good
  • Delight in the Lord
  • Commit your way to the Lord (your plans, hopes, dreams and follow Him)

Promises found in this Psalm for those who love God and follow Him

  • If you wait on the Lord you will inherit the Earth 
  • The Lord will bring forth your righteousness as the light
  • The Lord will bring forth your justice as the noon day
  • He will give you the desires of your heart
  • You will delight in the abundance of Peace
  • The Lord will uphold you
  • Your steps are ordered by the Lord
  • The Lord delights in your way
  • If you fall (and we sometimes do!) the Lord will uphold you with His hand
  • You will never be forsaken
  • The Lord will not leave you in the wicked man's hands
  • The Lord will not condemn you
  • Your children will never beg for bread
  • Your children are blessed
  • Your future is peace
  • The Lord will be your strength in time of trouble
  • The Lord will deliver you from the wicked
  • The Lord will save you
  • The Lord will not forsake you
  • You are preserved forever
  • The Law of the Lord is in your mouth
  • Your steps will never slide

I don't know about you, but all that sounds fabulous! Five times in this psalm, the Lord promises that we will inherit the Earth. Think about that. Inherit means we will be co-heirs and owners along with Jesus. The entire planet! Ruling and reigning with Him. Amazing. 

So, my dear saints, stay the course set before you. Don't get upset about what evil people are doing and planning. The Lord is laughing at them! They will some day all perish and be gone, along with all memory of them. But those who love Jesus and follow Him can cling to every promise He made here in this Psalm and in the whole Bible. 

Believe! And REST in the Lord and Wait for Him. He is coming! And He is bringing His reward with Him!!


  1. Greetings Blessed and Highly Favored Daughter of God Most High,

    Well that was a drink of Holy water that just refreshed my soul ! Yes indeed, as I read the Psalm I blew out a breath of peace !
    And no, you are not alone, I see the same, and it does anger me. Not because they prosper seemingly in every way, but they look down at their noses at Christians that live as the Psalm tells us to live. Lets take pleasure and great joy in our lowly positions by the standards of the world. For our riches are stored up in Heaven !
    Let the Lord of Glory have the last laugh, and let that be our peace.
    I'm going to make it a regular practice to keep going back to this Psalm.
    Thanks for the blessing Sister, Christs peace to you !

    1. A refreshing drink of Holy Water, indeed! I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets angry sometimes at the prosperous wicked. Esp as they spurn my Lord and Savior. Blessings!

  2. Wonderful post using the Psalms scripture! It cannot be more encouraging and uplifting in terms of faith. I recite Psalm 23:1-6 (The Lord is my Shepherd”) and Psalm 46:10 (“Be Still and Know That I Am God”) a number of times every day even before bedtime for only God knows how many years already for they are far too reassuring and comforting.

    I and I am sure many others agree with your perspective that it is embittering how people can relish those luxuries while countless other people simply struggle financially to make ends meet or could only depend on welfare or other special assistance for even meager sustenance. Assuming they are celebrities or popular big-shots, do they not realize it is simply their wealth, fame, and influence that landed them in that position? If it were not for those, would they even be or feel celebrated as such?
    Even for social media, people think they have all the friends in the world and not one of their “friends” or followers would ever disrespect or betray them. For example, if you look at the current ratings for Facebook in the App Store, you would be aghast at how many comments mention the hacking of accounts and defensive people still view the platform as harmless and no big deal. There were also claims that data gets stolen more than anyone is prepared to let on and accounts get terminated for no valid reason. Do they not remember that actual lives have been lost due to social media even in the days before COVID and corruption were widespread? Is it all for the sake of glorification by the world, which to them is more important than a regular humble life? If those do not bother people, then it is appalling how much humanity has fallen.

    I am sure many of us sincere believers would consider it blasphemous that those people would steadfastly claim to know and serve God, yet engage in dishonorable activities like hating people while showing false kindness, judging people silently while seemingly acting nice towards them, and proudly flaunting themselves on social media and letting the number of “loving” likes and comments define them overall. But like you said, the Lord is simply “laughing” at them for He knows their hearts are filled with extreme pride and they would belittle others except for those they accept based on whatever twisted judgment they use, and we know that judgment is a cause of many disasters in terms of relationships and personal acceptance. They may soon learn that it is all short-lived and we can hope they will soon wake up and realize that this temporary glory could lead to permanent destruction. We should not judge, but does this seem like the ultimate “revenge” for such arrogance to be vanquished by God? Is this what Jesus meant by “Let the wicked continue to be wicked, let the Holy continue to be holy” at the end of Revelation? Sincere believers feel it could not happen soon enough, but yet we have to remain faithful that many of them will repent and be transformed. Are these true, Sister?

    Whether it is in movies or real life, there are people with physical tattoos and facial piercings and they wear the Cross with Christ. As it is said in Leviticus 19:28, “You shall not cut your body with marks or tattoos.” There are also those who wear the Cross but resort to criminal and gang activity based on movies and almost certainly in real life. How would God think of this?

    By the way, did you know that today is the anniversary of the release of the first Godfather film in 1972? Please do not feel annoyed by this digression - just thought I mention a random fact since many people, even movie critics, still consider it to be the greatest movie ever made even after 50 years.

    Blessings Sister for your continued devotion to spreading God’s messages. Take care and have a blessed day!

    1. The problem with most famous people is they don't give God the credit for their talents and skills. He's the one who enabled them to sing or act or play football, but they take all the glory for themselves. Sad, but they will find out one day. And don't get me started on Social media. I hate it and am not on very much of it. I've been thrown off Facebook as well.. my site shadow banned. So I keep a low profile there. but yes, so-called Christians are on these platforms being cruel to others.. hateful and condemning. This does not please God. But we were told this would be the character of man in the last days.
      We are told not to judge the unsaved, but we are to judge those who claim Christ but live in willful sin. Regardless, that verse in Revelation is very appropriate for our day and age, though I believe it refers to a soon coming time when repentance will be impossible for those who took the MOB. So they might as well keep being wicked.
      I did not know that about the Godfather movie. I was never a fan. LOL
      Have a blessed day!

  3. Very well-written post with scripture from Psalms - this is a great reminder of the Lord’s capabilities and promises.

    I agree with your post to the previous comment - I am also against any form of social media usage due to its detrimental impacts, particularly mental health. This could be a contributing factor to the mental health crisis, which I feel even veteran psychologists and psychiatrists feel reluctant in dealing with due to the overwhelming effects of patients who likely could not be changed at all. I would say that TikTok has taken an edge on people since FB and IG no longer have the past appeal - people want fame and admiration within seconds, not minutes, and TT seems to be making it much faster. Does it make you feel aggravated at how much people have fallen away?

    For the celebrities, I have seen interviews or statements from them saying they thank God for their success and works. Are those statements actually sincere? Or are they simply mentioning that so that gullible people would actually see them being humble without feigning it?

    In addition to passages in Psalms, you can also say the Lord’s Prayer and Serenity Prayer to call out to the Lord to keep your faith strong in Him and remain assured that all the wickedness is temporary and God will soon eliminate them for good. Amen.

    Peace be with you Sister and God Bless!

    1. I'm more sad than aggravated that so many believers have fallen away.. and as far as celebrities, only God knows their hearts. It's important to remember that they may even say "God" but it doesn't necessarily mean the God of the Bible. They could be referring to Lucifer. Even people who say Jesus, we need to have discernment. Almost every false religion believes in "Jesus". They just don't believe He is the One and Only Son of the Living God !
      And yes, Amen! We should always be calling out the Lord in these times asking for Him to keep us strong in the faith and protected. :-) Blessings!
