Friday, March 21, 2025

Winding Down Toward our Rescue!


Dear Amazing and Greatly Loved Remnant of the Most High,

I've been praying about continuing this Friday post because I sense the Lord wants me to wind it down slightly. I get a bit overzealous with all the incredible prophetic news because I so badly want to warn people of all the deception, wake up the lukewarm, and hopefully get more people on the Ark. Yet, I believe I have done that as best I can over the past several years. If you click on Articles On Christianity above, you'll see where I have saved every post I've made. Scroll down and you'll see a list of End Times Prophecy Posts, but if you continue scrolling you'll see a section called Friday Musings: Pondering Current Events. I've listed there all the Friday posts I've made for the past four years. My hope is that after I'm gone, the Lord will lead people here to my blog. 

Here are some of the topics I've covered over the years.

  • False light: The Deception foisted on Conservative Christians through Trump.
  • The Apostate Church: New Apostolic Reformation, Dominionism, Hypergracism. OSAS, Christ Consciousness. AI gods. We can become little gods, to name a few
  • War.:Even now things are really about to explode into WW3 across the globe. Remember Satanist Albert Pike's plans (I mean predictions) for three world wars? The first two happened exactly like he said. The third is supposed to be between Islam and Israel with all nations involved to the point of exhaustion, after which Christianity AND Atheism would be destroyed (I imagine to bring in Luciferianism) Great Article indicating why something big is coming
  • Famine: Bird flu. Gates buying up farmland. Farmers under so many regulations they can't produce crops. Vaccines for livestock, making them poisonous, Weather manipulation
  • Depopulation: Chemtrails, chemicals in our food our air, water and medicine. Big Pharma. Deadly vaccines
  • Mark of the Beast digital currency: Bitcoin, CBDCs. Palm readers, chips
  • Ruling class: All people in power and all who have fame have been placed there by the Satanists running the world. 
  • The Golden Age: A new age term for the Kingdom of the Beast
  • Dark Maga:  The evil magician
  • AI: Super AI and quantum computers. Robotics. The ability to monitor every person on the planet. Stargate
  • Pandemics:  Covid, Dozens more being released now
  • Vaccines: mRNA, self-assembling, nanobots, spike proteins, Crisper technology, DNA splicing, Bluetooth active
  • Earth groaning: Quakes, volcanoes, storms. Rivers turning red
  • Character of man: Immorality rampant, Homosexuality, Transgender, Violence, Greed, Love of many growing cold, injustice everywhere
  • UFO Deception: UFOs are everywhere today and being accepted. Many believe that they are real aliens. This will be used to explain away the rapture.
  • Luciferian AgendaI've shown or at least tried to show how Lucifer has been planning for this time for thousands of years, how he has used those who worship him to bring it about. How they are showing us through all forms of media who they are and what they are planning. 
  • Noahide laws: I've shown that the Synagogue of Satan Jesus spoke of is alive and well today and running the show. Noahide laws, while they appear to be righteous, will be the very things that get Christians' heads chopped off in the Tribulation
Everything I have posted since was just to prove the above and to show you how fast we are speeding toward Tribulation (and our soon rescue).
Therefore, I'm going to limit the news going forward and focus on only a few items as the Lord leads. Things that really shocked me and caught my attention. The entire purpose is to lead people to Jesus and to get them ready for His return, so don't allow fear to creep in. Rather get excited and look up, for your Redemption grows near!

Again, if you want a minute by minute broadcast of current news as it relates to Biblical prophecy, join my telegram channel.


JD Farag pointed this out last Sunday in his prophecy update. Check out this Website from Purdue University about the Internet of Bodies. Scroll down to the picture and you'll see what they intend to do with us. Basically connect us to the internet, make us transhuman. And of course they make it sound like such a great thing! And it's here now! That's the thing I want you to get.

The advancements in artificial intelligence, robotics, and biotechnology are not simply progress; they are pieces of a larger puzzle, one that has been unfolding for centuries. The technological trajectory we are on is not just a natural evolution but a spiritual deception, designed to lure mankind away from God and into the arms of something else… something ancient, something deceptive, and something the Bible warned about long ago

Digital Currency

They are completely replacing Cash. In some places, they won't even accept it anymore. The Future of Cash 
Check this out! They are testing this before rolling it out WORLDWIDE!  United Nations Testing Vaccine Tracking Digital ID Systems in Africa before GLOBAL ROLLOUT!

Again, this is Here now!

World Government

I accidentally stumbled across this plan while researching the Club of Rome. From 1973!  It has plans to divide the world into 10 Regions. Hmm. Where have I heard that before? Check out this Club of Rome Global Government plan from 1973. 

The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast. Revelation 17:12

This is just one world war away from being implemented!

Dark Maga/Dark Enlightenment. 

I highly encourage you to watch this man's videos. (link below) He is spot on when it comes to what's happening in our government. In this particular video he provides proof that Trump, Vance, and Musk are currently destroying our democracy, our entire government, and ushering in a dictatorship. It is what they are calling a Technocracy, which is a form of government where decision makers are selected based on their scientific and technological expertise in certain areas. The man (or woman) in charge would be a dictator or "Caesar" who would have absolute rule. The first step to set this up is to overthrow the American regime and dismantle all current Government employees. Isn't that exactly what we are seeing? This is happening before our eyes! 

Check out his short video (with proof) (3100) Dark MAGA The Dark Enlightenment - YouTube

The name Peter Thiel keeps surfacing in relation to all of this. Interesting that he owns six companies, like the six rings of power. Palantir, Valar Ventures, Mithril Capital, Arda Capital, Lembas, and Rivendell LLC—all named after Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings

Palantir isn’t just a tool for governments, militaries, and corporations—it is the operating system of next-gen authoritarianism. It fuses everything—banking data, biometrics, social media, real-time location tracking—into a digital dossier on every individual. It powers predictive policing, AI-driven censorship, and military-grade intelligence operations. It automates social control, enforces compliance, and flags “threat actors” before they even act.

From pandemic tracking that became bio-surveillance to smart cities doubling as digital prisons, Palantir is the all-seeing eye, the unblinking stare of the Beast System. 

I don't think we have much time left, Saints.  I know many of you are struggling. More and more demons are being released, especially among those of us who truly love the Lord. Stand strong. The Lord is with you! Everything you suffer now will be more than worth it! 

Have you not known?
Have you not heard?
The everlasting God, the Lord,
The Creator of the ends of the earth,
Neither faints nor is weary.
His understanding is unsearchable.
He gives power to the weak,
And to those who have no might He increases strength.
Even the youths shall faint and be weary,
And the young men shall utterly fall,
But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:28-31


  1. Thank you Marylu for your tireless writing. You’ve kept us encouraged and informed. Great post!

  2. Thanks Sister for another insightful and impacting post. It is basically God bringing these messages through you as His messenger.

    Regarding the points you had about vaccinating livestock, using UFOs to make post-Rapture disappearances seem like abductions, and implementation of Noahide laws just to name a few, I had not thought of them this way but now I seriously do not doubt these could be the real intentions. Saying these people who implement these are evil is an understatement - they are like the incarnation of the Devil’s top lieutenants rather than mere demonic servants. Is this true Sister?

    For the CBDC’s and “vaccination” global tracking system, could one of these be the actual Mark of the Beast or are they merely components of the Mark? If only people would wake up and know about this, because when one takes the Mark, even unknowingly, that would be official condemnation with no retraction.

    About the dismantling of government and firing of employees, one could not think of a time in history of this nature, yet people still believe the masses claiming this is for the greater good. Would simply believing the deception adamantly and lambasting anyone who tries to state otherwise be that these people have also sold their soul to the Devil, letting him manipulate their very thoughts and perspectives and doing God-forbid things to those who do not fall for the Deception?

    For the Rome government plan, it is like this was already all planned 50+ years ago, when this would be literally balderdash to people. Just like how domestic predators could wait years before murdering their partners and high-profile criminals waiting years before unleashing Hell, is this not any different?

    I recently came across an article stating that the Red Heifer sacrifice may not actually take place this year (originally expected for Passover) due to some rabbis suspecting the heifers possibly growing white hairs, which disqualifies them from being sacrificed. Would this change prophecy as in holding off on the Third Temple being rebuilt? I am hoping not especially if this means delaying the Tribulation, which needs the Third Temple by the midpoint for AC to appear and the second 3.5 years to start. Please note this article was just from earlier this month.

    I have to say I only recently came across your blog and I believe it was God’s way of bringing me to hear His messages and ask questions that can only be entrusted to a sincere Believer or pastor. Interestingly, I read some other articles saying that the Rapture could be next month in April. This is because 2025 is a Jubilee year and a Nisan calendar is followed. A date indicated is 4/08/25 (Nisan 10) which coincidentally is when an Eclipse took place exactly a year ago. It would be interesting to see if it may be the real deal this time. I believe God’s timing was perfect for me and others to come across this and be warned around the corner of that time.

    Would it be true that time will pass differently in Heaven while we are the Wedding Feast than on Earth? There was a thought that if the Feast lasts for only a few hours, the 7-year Tribulation on Earth would end by the time the Feast is over. I would wonder if we could speak to the Lord about saving loved ones on Earth before we return with Him for the Millennium Reign.

    Blessings Sister and stay strong in the Lord! Soon we will reunite with the Lord and all Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Maranatha and Hallelujah!

    1. Greetings, Sister! To answer your questions.
      1. Yes, I believe the people at the top who are doing satan's bidding are either Nephilim themselves and/or completely take over by demons.
      2. All the tech happening now.. the CBDcs. vaccines, AI-surveillance are all as you said components of the MOB which won't be fully implemented until halfway through the Tribulatio.
      3. I don't believe that the majority of people who are very deceived at the moment by what Trump and Elon are doing are inherently evil or have submitted to the devil willingly. I simply believe they have fallen for the deception, but there's still a chance for them to be saved and have their eyes open to the truth. However some of them will most definitely be the ones who will persecute real believers in the Tribulation.. in fact, I believe many pastors will be doing that as well.
      4. The Rome Global Government plan has been in play for many many years. They have been slowly implementing it year by year, waiting for the perfect time to unleash it. Which appears to be now.
      5. I don't believe that report about the disqualified Red Heifers. I believe it is a smoke screen to ward off the Muslims who would be outraged if they actually sacrificed them. They say this was the reason they attacked Israel on Oct 7th.. Because of these Heifers. However, it has no bearing on the timing of the rapture. only the timing of the third temple, which has to be erected by the mid-point of the Tribulation
      6. I'm hopeful for this month and next ! We shall see
      7. Yes, there is no time in heaven so it will be very different for us. And Yes, we will have full access to the throne of God ad can plead with Him for our loved ones!

  3. Wonderful post MaryLu with the highly urgent emphasis on biblical prophecy.

    You might have heard that Trump signed an Executive Order to dismantle the Education Department plus there was a power outage at London’s Heathrow Airport earlier today due to a fire. Aren’t these part of the evil agenda to make way for the dictatorial leadership by scrapping essential programs and disrupting major public sites? Does this mean formal education will be wiped out and children will never learn the same again? Also does this mean even airports are starting to become frequented areas of such incidents?

    I have heard that people are making vacation plans or contemplating having kids later this year like in the Fall or Winter. If only they hear this message and realize how intense and alarmingly urgent it is, would they probably have second thoughts? It would be reassuring to them if they hear of having every opportunity to do both of these during the Millennium Reign and the New Jerusalem (New Heaven and Earth) when evil is officially gone for good.

    Thanks for the message and God bless!

    1. Thank you! Yes,, heard about the Education Department and the London fire. Crazy times, eh? I have no idea what they will replace the Department of Education with? It seems a bit drastic, though I know it didn't function well. I agree, about MOST people going about their lives, making plans for years to come. I'm surrounded by them! No one listens to me... it's sad. If they actually knew what the Lord has revealed to us, they'd definitely have second thoughts! but most don't want to hear. Most don't barely read the Bible for themselves.

    2. Just a thought about the comment about people not worrying about the rapture and having children- those children will go with them if they are raptured. Christians can continue to “make plans”-just know they may not come to pass. We don’t want to sit around and just wait, we need to be living our lives and sharing Jesus with everyone we can.
      Blessings! BevH

    3. Absolutely, Bev! We occupy until He comes!

  4. I am concerned about above comment stating if you’ve gotten the mark even unknowingly you are condemned. They could be putting things in our food and drink or in the air we breathe, how could we know or stop it from happening?

    1. That comment is not true! Don't worry about it. The Scripture is very clear. The MOB doesn't even show up until the Tribulation. And when it does, people will be given a clear choice. Everyone will know what they are doing and the consequences of that choice. In the Tribulation God is going to reveal Himself like He never has before. There will no longer be atheists! People will all know there is a God and there is a devil. Then they have the choice as to which one they will serve. There's no way anyone can take the MOB in ignorance. Yes, the vaccines have nanotech in them and other things that do harm and cause a person to be able to be tracked... at least partially (depends on how many vaccines and boosters a person took) But no one is condemned for taking it. Our God is a just God.
