Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wordless Wednesday!

A ghost ship!


  1. What a peaceful beautiful pic.Thank you for sharing.

  2. Wed Feb 2nd,
    Morning MaryLu.
    This is certainly a unique photograph !!! Almost eerie and magical looking. Very nice ! I love the colours !!!
    As to the weather we're having 'here' in Ontario, Canada ... I think I'd rather be in the photograph you shared ! The reality is, we had an actual blizzard throughout the night. First one since 1993. (Came up from the Gulf Coast, up through the eastern States, and then right into Ontario.) Not only is it freezing out (literally), but we also have ice-pellets coming down, to contend with. Those driving off to work today ... would have faced a scary ordeal, indeed !
    And, the groundhog did not see his shadow here today, which apparently means ... six more weeks of winter !
    I think I'll just look at the photograph a tad longer ....
    Thanks for sharing.
    Take care, and, God Bless,
    In Him, Brenda Hurley

  3. This is a beautiful pic! Had to copy it. Enjoy the rest of your week, MaryLu, especially tomorrow!

  4. Breath-taking! If its at all possible, I'm going to make this into a poster for my room! Looooove the pic!

    P.S. Where do you find these cool pictures? I would love to go on thatewebsite!

  5. Thanks, Ladies! I find pictures on the internet, also at and quite a few from one of my Facebook buddies "Under the Black Flag.

    Oh, Brenda, your comment made me shiver!! Burr.... please stay warm and safe.

  6. Beautiful picture! And I'm thinking the same thing as Brenda - here in Wyoming, we're going through a major cold front, and yesterday morning about 7 am, the wind chill brought it down to 45 degrees BELOW zero!!! Brrrrrrr - I didn't think that was possible anywhere but the Arctic! If only I were in the Caribbean, lying on the toasty deck of a ship...reading one of your books, of course! :-)

  7. Well,Ladies,I must say we in North Carolina had 70 degrees,yesterday and today freezing.What weather we are having?Pneumonia weather,get a cough and you just won't leave you.
    Stay warm Ladies!

  8. April, my Mom lives in Tenn and she said the same thing. Really nice yesterday, today freezing! Stay warm and safe!
