Wednesday, March 23, 2016

In God, whose word I praise, In God I have put my trust; I shall not be afraid. What can mere man do to me? 

Psalm 56:4



  1. Wed 23rd,
    "Morning, MaryLu."
    What a comforting and encouraging word from Psalm 56 !!! I shall "not" be afraid !!! What a hope, and promise and future we have with our Lord ! "Thank-You, Lord" !!!
    We give God our praise, and put our trust in His Hands.
    And, I love the picture to go with it ! Complete trust, no fear. And peaceful .. either sailing toward a sunset, or, a sunrise. Beautiful !!!
    Thanks so much for sharing.
    Take care, and, God Bless, In Him, Brenda

    1. God Bless you, Brenda! God will never leave us or forsake us!

  2. Thank you MaryLu for your thoughtfulness in putting up the greatest pictures and words from God. I love the Psalms. One can always find such rich wisdom and comforting words. To be honest , one can find comfort in the whole Bible. I love it when I open up one of my older Bibles and find some gems I had written down and they comfort me even years later. I would write a verse that I loved and would carry it with me for weeks.
    Praying you have a blessed day on Sunday with your family. My prayers Lately have been on the wickedness of the debates and now on the devastation in Brussels. I did hear someone very intensely talk about the compounds around our country that will not allow any one on the property. A training camp for evil I am sure. As I heard there were over 35 over all of our country. So my prayer is for God to be in control of these compounds and that God's presence finds its way into those in those compounds and into each heart .
    May God fill us all with wisdom and with that wisdom may we be the woman or man that Christ would have us be!

    1. Amen, Elsie! We live in frightening times, but like the verse above says, What can mere man do to me? They can take our bodies, but they can never take our spirits and souls. I, too, find great comfort in God's Word. I've read it multiple times but always find something new. Amazing! Have a wonderful Resurrection Day!
