Dear Faithful and True Followers of Jesus,
I thought it was very telling that the powers-that-be who determine how close our world is to the end have moved us within 2 minutes to Midnight! Perhaps one or two of them are Christians who see what's going on, but I doubt it. There's not too many of us around anymore. Either way, its just another sign of how close we are to the end of this age and that wonderful day when we will all see our Savior face to face!
The main headline for the week is how close we are to Global war. Whatever your opinion is of the Ukraine war, Russia has been very clear in what will happen should the West (NATO And the US and EU) get involved in this fight. It was bad enough we have been sending billions of dollars in aid to Ukraine (which I imagine very little of it actually goes to the war effort or the people, but that's another story). But now we and Germany are sending tanks.
Intel from Hal Turner
is losing the war and needs more weapons and tanks but doesn't have
anyone trained to use them, which means the US and NATO have to put
troops on the ground who are trained, which is the red line for
Russia. US and NATO are also considering a No Fly zone over Ukraine,
which would also prompt a response from Russia. Stay tuned. Now Zelensky is calling for fighter jets too. Should tanks and jets actually arrive in Ukraine, along with troops to run them, you can bet Russia will respond. And it won't be pretty. In addition, there is now a Russian warship with nuclear capabilities off of the US coast that has been simulating missile launches and jamming our radar and internet. See articles under "War" for more details. All this to say that it's highly possible Global war may break out in the next few weeks. We shall see. If that happens, we are closer than ever to going home!
Now onto the Vaccine topic. I've been wondering why so much information about the ill effects of the vaccine seem to be coming out now. And why now? Since the Globalists control everything, including the media, why would they want the public to know how poisonous the shots are? A good friend sent me this article which offers a really good explanation: Controlling the Mark after a Con If true, it makes sense because this is definitely one of their methods of play both sides, the light and the dark, and then herd the people toward the middle where they want them. So, they allow the truth to leak out... not in totality, but only because too many people are waking up.... and then they coordinate the government's response so that the people are satisfied and reassured that something will be done and it won't happen again. But the very opposite is true. It's just another form of control.
Davos attendees admitted that the end game was a Global government. There was also much talk of Digital currencies and in fact a new Digital Payments Network was launched. See articles below for details.
Then there's Gates who is proclaiming a much more deadly pandemic this year. Why does anyone still listen to him? But I have no doubt his is right.
I guess my point is.. these things will continue to get worse and worse. We know that. Yet as they do, and our lives become unsettled, the Lord wants us to learn to trust Him. For Food, protection, salvation of loved ones, jobs, health, etc. He is our Great provider and He promises to look after us. But we must believe that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him! So seek Him diligently and keep your eyes on things above!! We don't have much longer.
know we are all going through struggles right now. I believe this is
because the Lord is purifying His Bride, putting us in the fires of
affliction to burn off the dross and anything that is not of Him. The
result is a beautiful diamond of such clarity and purity... that it is
fit for a King. Allow Him to do His work in you, submit to Him, don't
complain and don't resist, but instead let your faith grow, your walk
with Him deepen, and your trust and hope to soar.
In case you still like the Royal Family,
I've never been a fan of doctors and modern medicine and have always sought out alternatives. I believe God gave us everything we need here on earth to stay healthy and to heal disease. There was a point in our past history where America had to choose between healthy natural healing and the Pharmaceuticals and they choose poorly. This is an interesting article that ties our modern medicine in with Satanism and the Mark of the Beast.
Remember not all Jews are good Jews. Some belong to the synagogue of Satan, as Jesus declared.
Check out these Ravens flying around Ukraine! (For newsletter readers, go to my blog to see this video)
Died Suddenly
The V and V
Even after all the deaths and injuries, our FDA proposes annual injections against Covid
Mystery Babylon
Despite warnings from Putin, the Biden administration has decided to send M1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine
Declaration of the North American Region (Just like my new novel, When Angels Rejoice!)
Hard to imagine this happening in America but there's a conference in Boston this year called Satancon
Famine/Economic Collapse
Crazy weather manipulation
6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Santiago del Estero in Argentina
Signs in the sky
Reading all these headlines, praying that Doomsday clock gets to ticking real fast. 😳 So sad how people can't see things getting ready to pop! 🤯 Definitely for those who seek the Lord passionately they are under His mighty care. I also love the discernment and Truth, He gives us with the Holy Spirit. Every day we are here, the purification is refining those who keep their lamp oil full, watching and waiting for our Lord and Savior Jesus 🙏✝️🙏 Thank you MaryLu for sharing all of informative information so we can see we are almost out of here. YES!! ✝️🎺🕊️👑🙏
ReplyDeleteSending hugs and prayers your way, Cillie!!
DeleteRE "Diamond and Silk"
ReplyDeleteSilk's statement that "something ain't right" has been VERY EVIDENT throughout the ENTIRE last 3 years.
The GRAND question, whose true answer instructs us of OUR BIGGEST FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEM, is WHY is it that most people STILL have no clue of that (or that it takes 3 years to START waking up like in Silk's own case)? Find out WHY that is, and WHAT EXACTLY it is that's very off ..
"Separate what you know from what you THINK you know." --- Unknown
If you're in the US and your employer mandates the toxic/lethal COVID jabs, register to get a free "Medical Exemption Certificate" at or
"... normal and healthy discontent .. is being termed extremist.” --- Martin Luther King, Jr, 1929-1968, Civil Rights Activist
Couldn't agree more! I've been posting about this massive murderous deception for years. Unfortunately it has taken many people too long to realize what's happening.
DeleteGreetings Sister in Christ, yes great article this week, so on point. Love the intro, " It's about to get noisy in Heaven" !!! Oh yeah. I still cant understand why sooooo many Christians cant see all this going on around us ??? The article " Controlling the marK' hits the bullseye. I worked in a Bio Pharma for about 10 years. I kept telling people that it takes years and mountains of data on the progression of a drug to know all the side effects, and even how those effects would change over time ! Science and technology are so overrated in the sight of our Omniscient God !
ReplyDeleteYes Mam, Heaven is about to receive one roughty bunch of unmovable believers when we get there !!!
Keep on blowing that trumpet MaryLu.
I didn't realize you'd worked in Pharma, but yes, that's what I've heard too. You can't just release a drug on the market without years of tests. The trouble is, from what I've seen, they did do tests.. not years.. and all the tests showed massive deaths and ailments. But that's exactly what they wanted. Indeed... I'll be one of those rowdy lovers of Jesus!. See you there, Bro!
DeleteLol, so thats how you spell rowdy ! I was so far off spell check couldnt even pick it up ! I was a machinist most of my life. But during one very long layoff I used the system to go to school and get an industrial boiler engineers license. Thats what I did at the Pharma, I ran facilities. But when I was young I wanted to be a Pirate :)
ReplyDeleteI had to look up Rowdy! LOL I just know you didn't spell it right.. You wanted to be a pirate? My kind of brother!!