Friday, June 9, 2023

Friday Musings: A Prophetic Whirlwind!

 Dear Priceless Jewels of the Lord,
It's been quite a week, prophetically! Things are happening so fast, my head is spinning, and my heart is leaping in the knowledge that soon my Savior will come and rescue us!  Truly we are a blessed generation! First let me share with you the verses the Lord put on my heart this week:

So now we call the proud blessed,
For those who do wickedness and are raised up;
They even tempt God and go free.’ ”

Then those who feared the Lord spoke to one another,
And the Lord listened and heard them;
So a book of remembrance was written before Him
For those who fear the Lord
And who meditate on His name.

“They shall be Mine,” says the Lord of hosts,
“On the day that I make them My jewels.
And I will spare them
As a man spares his own son who serves him.”

Then you shall again discern
Between the righteous and the wicked,
Between one who serves God
And one who does not serve Him.

Malachi 3:16-18
The Lord wants you to know that even though it "appears" that the proud, the arrogant, and the wicked are elevated in this world and they "seem" to get away with everything, one day they will stand before the King of Kings and be judged. One day justice will be served.
But even more importantly, those of us who fear the Lord (as in worship, revere, and love) and who talk to one another about Him (as we are doing here on this blog), and those who meditate on His name, the Lord listens to our every word and He writes our names in His Book of Remembrance! Not only that, we are His precious Jewels and He will spare us like someone would spare their only son!  What day is He talking about when He spares us? For the answer we go to the beginning of Malachi 3:1-2 

Behold, He is coming,”
Says the Lord of hosts.
“But who can endure the day of His coming?
And who can stand when He appears?
Rest assured the Lord is coming soon, and if you love Him and walk in His ways, He will rescue you!  What is your task in these last days? Get closer to Jesus and witness to others!  Nothing else matters. 

So, what is happening prophetically? 

UFOs:  My goodness, they are really starting to talk about UFOs. Apparently some high-ranking reliable whistleblower has come forth claiming the US has intact alien space and has been reverse-engineering alien technology. This has been all over the media, mainstream also. Why is this important? Why are they releasing this now? Because they are planning a fake alien invasion in order to unite the world into One Global Government while providing cover for the rapture. If you've read my endtimes series you know that already. But the fact that this is being broadcast everywhere is very encouraging. By the way, for those of you new to my blog, there are no aliens, at least not from outer space. These are extra-dimensional beings, fallen angels and demons. Huge Deception!

WAR:  Again, I am sensing a possible start to WW3 as early as next week. There are just way too many signs. Yes, this could be another false flag, but something has to give. Ukraine just blew up a Russian dam and flooded several cities. Also there's already a huge battle ensuing on the ground. And why did lawmakers in DC just all get sent home early? See under War below. 
Digital Global Vaccine Passports:  Check out what the WHO announced this week below under New World Order: In cooperation with the European Health Commission, they are announcing a global digital health ID and certification network. This would allow the WHO to dictate and enforce worldwide vaccines, regardless of country or religion or "rights".  Of course we all believe this is how the AC will enforce his Mark of the Beast, which will also be tied to the economy. Was this even a possibility 5 years ago? 

Israel: And of course like I said last week, keep your eyes on Israel. While the Lord prepares to get His Bride, God's attention is drifting back full time to Israel. Her enemies will attack. This is prophesied in Scripture. (Ezekiel 38-39)  Their defeat of these enemies (By God) will prompt the 7 year treaty with the AC. Now, Iran is boasting of a missile that cannot be stopped by Israel's Iron Dome. Apparently, they are not taking into consideration God's mighty dome of protection!

Persecution: Though we haven't faced much of this here in the US, it's starting now. The Bible was banned from a Utah elementary school and a man was arrested simply for reading Scripture at a Pride event. Did you ever think these things would happen here in the US?

Speaking of Pride, since it's Pride month, which is ironic since Satan fell because of Pride, but have you noticed how most every commercial, advertisement, show, and movie is promoting this abominable immorality, not to mention the stores and companies that are offering LBGTQ merchandise. My husband asked me a question a few weeks ago regarding all the major corporations that are pushing a far left agenda like LBTGQ and losing billions of dollars and customers. It makes no sense. I knew there had to be a reason, but I couldn't figure it out. Then a follower of this blog sent me a picture with the Word "Corporate Equality Index". I did some research on it and it is truly shocking. Here's a great article that explains it, but suffice it to say that the more "woke" a company is, the higher score they get and the more pleased the top 3 investment firms in America are: VanGuard, StateStreet and BlackRock. Here's a quote from the Article: The big fund managers like BlackRock all embrace this ESG orthodoxy in how they apply pressure to top corporate management teams and boards and they determine, in many cases, executive compensation and bonuses and who gets re-elected or re-appointed to boards,”...“They can make it very difficult for you if you don’t abide by their agendas.”
Read this Great Article! Perhaps one to share with people you know who are oblivious to the times in which we live. 
Documentary: Final Days.  An hour worth your time if you really want to know what's going on with the vaccine and their end game, Transhumanism

Awesome news!!


The V and V
New World Order
Zoom in on the "Bible" beneath her hand

 Famine/Economic collapse
Earth Groaning

Signs in the Sky



  1. The word I think you wanted was dam not the curse word

    1. Thanks. I guess I'm pretty lucky if I never misspell a word in these long posts.

  2. Unless there was another dam blasted which I haven’t heard about, the dam that was blasted was IN UKRAINE not Russia, and most likely destroyed by Russians. I know there have been some questions about Ukraine blowing it up to blame Russia, but the dam was in Ukraine.
    Thanks for all the info and encouragement!

    1. Yes. I heard that, Bev, but I believe the Ukraine territory was Russian owned... in other words, part of the territory that Russian recently won back. I guess the people there wanted to be part of Russia and voted. There are many theories, but from what I've read, I believe Ukraine did it, but we shall see. In the long run, it doesn't matter I guess. We know war is coming. Blessings!

  3. Hello MARYLU I am and have been fully onboard with all things “End Times “ since the early 1980s The Lord has blessed and kept me in his Precious Arms for all these years I was a milk fed lukewarm believer for a lot of years Last year the Day Before the Ukrainian war broke my life situation changed In the whole time from then The Lord has shown me the importance of Growing up in my walk with Him So after the last 40 ish years He Has redeemed the time I’ve wasted New awareness of His Word and His Love to me has helped me by leaps and bounds So my point I was introduced to your work by a dear Brother in Christ who happens to be a follower of your work as well as soon as I started reading your blog and articles on all aspects of The Lords words etc etc ( sorry I didn’t read any of your book series Lol) I started to realize after All the Years of bible study and group study especially End Times Events (Hal Lynsey Jack Chick etc and my Beautiful Pastor In Christ who led us in Deep study’s of Revelation and all the accompanying books that all tied in to Prophetic teachings So all the years of study and watching all the different events that were leading to where we are Today June 10 2023 So I really Thank The Lord for using you to spread The Truth of Jesus soon return I am in the same boat as you and many others whose Family members got sick of hearing my constant attention to world events tying into to Bible prophecy being revealed little by little until Now where we are Today on this old planet full of just about every Scripture by Scripture event unfolding before are eyes I knew The Lord had sent me The Right Brother and Sister in Christ to finally confirm Biblical Truth of what’s coming Thanks for all your hard work that I always knew someday The Lord would use a Wonderful Holy Spirit lead Believer to lay out all the Facts to Prove Scriptures Truthful Words on Prophetic and Growing closer to Jesus and the Importance of Both So one question out of the world news stage: Do you trust The Hal Turner broadcasts that follow this NATO “ Exercise “ coming up in a week or so Basically is it really That Close to The 3rd World War starting ( personally I see all the military components in place for this to occur) But that’s not a fear of mine just wanted to ask your honest thoughts on this event actually occurring And to stop my long winded letter We are To Be Looking Up for Jesus taking us Home correct ? And if we have to endure some aftermath of this War that Jesus Will Provide For Us until Rapture or Our own personal deaths whichever occurs first ( Ready To Go Either Way AMEN !) Thanks for reading Inhave been wanting to write to you for a while and Today was The Day for me The Lords Blessings on you and your loved ones Be Safe Out There OK Joe Kenneally

    1. Greetings, Joe! Welcome and thank you for sharing your story! I, too, was a very lukewarmish believer for many years, though as I look back, I wonder if I was truly saved at all. Until that great day when God reached down and pulled me from the dark pit I had dug for myself! Like you, He has redeemed the lost time. I like to think that He put me through the Fast Track Sanctification Course! LOL I love that the Lord is bringing all of us who truly love and follow Him and who are looking for Him together in these last days! Sorry about y our family and friends. Many of us here are in similar situations. They either don't want to hear it or they think we are crazy.
      To answer your question, I cannot say I trust 100% Hal Turner's posts, but I link to them because a man I also trust has confirmed Hal's reports. But in this day and age of deception, who knows? I only fully trust the Lord! I do believe WW3 will start soon. Both Scripture and several prophecies and dreams have confirmed this. It will also give a good excuse for the Antichrist to appear and bring "peace" to a war torn world. Will we see some of this war before we leave? No idea. But I know the Lord will protect His children!! Just like you said. I'm glad you popped in, Joe, to say Hi. Blessings to you and yours and I'll see you in the clouds!

  4. Greetings in Christ precious Daughter of The King,
    Love that script from Malachi. Yes the proud will be brought low ! Prov 18:Before his downfall a man's heart is proud, but humility comes before honor. Great post MaryLu. I appreciate your diligence to encourage us and keep us on our toes, keeping us informed as God's plan unfolds.
    I had a conversation with a young fella this week end. His father is a pastor in a church that has dwindled down to just family and I think 4 others who have been there for years. He is a pastors son. His Grandad, who started the church I believe in the 60's went to be with the Lord 2 years ago. He was my best friend. Under his leadership and evangelism the church grew to a little over 120. He was the first man I went to after I met the Lord on "my road to Damascus", 1986. And He immediately came to a lake where I was and baptized me ! A humble man before God, but a brass man when it came to speaking the word where ever he went. A true old time man of God. I miss him greatly in these last day but I am glad he is not here to see what his son has done to the church he labored so hard in the Lord for. When I saw signs that the Grandfather was getting ready to hand the church off to the his son, I left. An arogant bully of a man, the son was. About as proud as a man can be. He was much gifted with intellect, he could pick up any instrument for the first time, and in 5 minutes be playing like a grad from Julliard, and he could preach the word, but with cruelty at times, calling folks out who were saints compared to his lifestyle. He thinks himself a David, but I told him he was a Saul ! And this son of his is of an alternate lifestyle. In a way overly confident in his intellect and totally void of any wisdom. Yet I believe he will be at least in the leadership when his father turns the church over to one of his sons in the not to distant future ! It reminds me of Kings and Chronicles which I have just finished. The humble man of God submits to God's will and is not afraid to get his hands dirty doing what ever is asked of him.. What he builds last only a generation or 2 and then the sons do evil in the eye's of the Lord and destroy it all. They turn from the ways of the Lord and follow hollow practices. That's what this kid is doing. And he sure is confident about, I almost laughed if it wasn't so sad.
    Grace and peace to you faithful Sister, in Christ our Savior.

    1. Very sad story, but you're so right. This same thing happened over and over in Old Testament times. The generations that followed a Godly king tended to drift away from God. So, the current pastor's son is LBGTQ? Sometimes I just can't believe what has happened to the church. How it mush grieve the Lord. Blessings to you, Joe

  5. I happened to notice the length of time it takes the "Fattah" missile to reach Tel Aviv ... 400 seconds = 6.66 minutes. (Interesting)

    1. Wow, That's VERY interesting, indeed. Thanks, Patricia
